To register your U.S. legal entity, contact the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) accredited LEI issuing organization of your choice.
An LEI issuer — also known as a Local Operating Unit (LOU) — supplies registration, renewal, and other services, and acts as the primary interface for legal entities seeking an LEI. Through self-registration, the registering legal entity must supply accurate reference data to the LOU. The LOU must then verify the reference data with local authoritative sources — a national Business Register, for example — and issue an LEI that is compliant with the LEI standard.
A legal entity is not limited to just using a LOU in its own country. It can use the registration services of any LOU, including one outside its home country, so long as the LOU is accredited by the GLEIF to validate LEI registrations across all its authorized jurisdiction(s). For more information on LEI registration, go to (GLEIF).
The GLEIF is responsible for monitoring LEI data quality. The GLEIF data quality management program ensures that the LEI remains the industry standard best suited to providing open and reliable data for unique legal entity identification management.