(Updated May 2023)
Thank you for visiting FinancialResearch.gov and reviewing our privacy policy.
Our privacy policy is simple: we limit our collection, use, and sharing of your information; we protect your information appropriately; and we offer you choices about your privacy.
What we Collect |
How We Use It |
Why We Share It |
This may include sharing:
We never sell, rent, or otherwise provide your information to outside marketers. |
How We Protect It |
We limit our collection of information to only what is necessary to meet specific business needs, and protect it through a rigorous set of information security controls, both technical and administrative. |
Your Choices |
Contact Us |
The OFR values your privacy, and is committed to maintaining your trust. Please contact our privacy office at privacy@ofr.treasury.gov if you have any questions about this policy. Learn more about our privacy program.. |
Learn More |
Learn more about our privacy practices, including your rights under the Privacy Act, cookies, web analysis tools, and other third-party services as well as external links, social media, other third party sites, security features; notice of, and consent to, monitoring; and service provider controls. |